Statement of Ethos : The Rochester Grammar School

The ethos of this school is “excellence for all”; we have the highest expectations of all of our learners in terms of their commitment to academic achievement, respect for others and contribution to the school community. Our Mission Statement, “Transforming Life Chances”, articulates the strength of personal support, care and guidance given to each learner. We have a clear policy on uniform and dress code as well as a Code of Conduct based on mutual respect.

We ask all parents applying for a place at the Rochester Grammar School to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community.

Raising Aspirations, Delivering Excellence

At the heart of our successful Sixth Form is a commitment to furthering excellence through support, encouragement and achievement. Our mission is to transform life chances. Personal excellence is ensured through an innovative curriculum, high expectations and the highest quality of teaching and learning based on an understanding of each student’s individual needs. In the RGS Sixth Form we want to develop your talents and interests, preparing you for life-long learning.

We believe students achieve their best in a supportive and purposeful learning environment. You will be supported with specialist advice and guidance, and we have a dedicated Independent Learning Centre in which you can maximise the effectiveness of your studies.

Admission Arrangements

Casual Admissions

Applications for admission outside the normal admissions round – in-year applications (all year groups).

Any application for admission to the academy which is outside the normal admissions round should be made direct to the school and the school will administer its own entrance test (to be deemed selective) for admission which will be carried out according to a published calendar of dates. No other selection process will be valid. * 11+ testing is only valid for entry to Year 7 within the co-ordinated scheme dates.

If more applications are received than there are places available, the oversubscription criteria will apply as detailed in the full admissions policy.

Children with statements of special educational needs, where the academy is named, will be offered a place over PAN. The Academy reserves the right to discuss this with relevant agencies.

Dates for testing

  • Wednesday 22nd January 2025

  • Tuesday 16th February 2025

  • Tuesday 18th March 2025

  • Tuesday 1st July 2025

Application for admission outside the normal age range

Any parent wishing to place a child in the school in a year group different to their chronological age should first contact the school to explain the situation and the rationale underpinning the request. The school will, in accordance with the Schools Admissions Code, consider all such requests and will respond to the parent on whether the request is accepted.

If a request for consideration of a place outside of the chronological age group was accepted, and an application for a place in that year group was submitted, it would be processed in line with the admission arrangements and the relevant test and, if applicable, oversubscription criteria applied.

In Year Appeals

If an offer is not given (including sixth form places), due to the school being oversubscribed or your child not reaching the required academic standard, you will be able to appeal. To request an admission appeal please complete the appeal form.