Year 7 Open School Tours

We are hosting tours of the school from Tuesday 8th October until Thursday 17th October.  Please contact the school office to book a tour by calling 033 336 02120. See the school and find out more information about joining in September 2025. 

Please note that the school is closed for half term from Friday 18th October until Monday 4th November.  If you have any admission queries, please email


Furthering Excellence

Our aim is to provide an excellent education for all our students, transforming their life chances and, in turn, giving them the knowledge and skills they will need to shape the world in the future.

Excellence in…

The curriculum: Our curriculum is traditional and academic, demonstrated by our commitment to the principle that all students should attain the English Baccalaureate as well as the wide variety of additional subjects available for all to study at GCSE and in the Sixth Form. We believe that this broad and balanced diet will provide all students with the cultural capital required to build the foundations of a successful life. At the heart of this curriculum lies a respect for the subjects we teach and the particular insights each can give into the world around us.

Teaching and learning: Our curriculum and assessment model is based on the latest cognitive science, encouraging the building of rich schema and a cumulative approach to education that best supports deeper, life-long learning. We teach children how to be active consumers of the knowledge they master by developing an open and questioning mindset. By focusing on ‘The best that has been thought and said’ we will encourage our students to fully appreciate the richness of the human condition and become active citizens when they leave us as adults.

Cultural Capital: The experiences our students have do not end in the classroom; we value the extra-curricular and these activities enable our students to flourish as individuals and pursue their own talents and passions in greater depth, in the arts, sciences and sporting domains. Our student leadership pathways are highly developed and support our intentions to develop the whole child.

Developing life-long learners: Our curriculum vision is metacognitive; by using Thinking tools the Thinking Schools Academy Trust are unique in their focus on ensuring that students are equipped with the tools they need to reflect on the knowledge they learn. As a result, the Rochester Grammar School is recognised by Exeter University as one of the few Advanced Thinking Schools in the country and is pioneering the use of a cognitive approach to education and student learning.

Years 7 to 9

Students start the Rochester Grammar School with a broad and balanced three year Key Stage 3 which allows students to study a range of subjects and embodies our commitment to provide students with the cultural capital required to be successful. During this time students are supported in their transition to a secondary school curriculum with the support of specialist teachers and introduced to their thinkers’ toolkit allowing them to process and memorise new knowledge, think deeply about the issues they study and examine topics from different points of view.

When students reach year 9 they embark on an enquiry based study, allowing them to use their toolkit to explore big questions and come to carefully considered conclusions which forms an excellent transition towards their GCSE studies, and they will be supported, with the help of the Key Stage team and teachers, to decide on the pathway that is right for them.

'Teachers are supportive and encouraging, they help me work to the best of my ability.' - Megan, Year 7

Year 10 to 11

Students are able to take a variety of different pathways at Key Stage Four however all students study the English Baccalaureate as standard.  All students therefore study English Literature and Language, Maths, Science, History or Geography, a Modern Foreign Language, RS and core (non examined) PE and ICT.  All students are able to opt for any accelerated subjects on offer such as AS Film or Further Maths, if they wish to.  Additionally students are able to choose two further options from a range of subjects such as Art and Design, Business Studies, Computer Science, Design and Technology, Drama, Geography, History, Music, PE, Psychology and Sociology*.

Students are encouraged through the structured revision note programme, cyclical assessments and regular retrieval practice to apply and refine their thinkers’ toolkit from Key Stage Three.  This is embedded within their lessons and revision programmes.

* Please note that student options and pathways are subject to change.

All students in Years 7 to 11, will have one PSHE lesson per fortnight, with the PSHE curriculum using a thematic spiral approach, in line with recommendations from the PSHE Association. This will be delivered by the House form tutor team and students will be in House year groups for PSHE lessons. Students will build on the knowledge and understanding they have acquired and developed at primary school through a sequenced, age appropriate lessons.

Year 12 to 13

We are offering A-Levels from September 2025!

Following a consultation with our current KS4 students, we are now taking a new approach from September 2025 by offering A Levels.
The A Level offering will be accompanied by an Enrichment curriculum to ensure our students can continue to thrive in their academic and personal development.

Information on subjects, courses and more will follow soon.

Interested in attending our Sixth Form to study A Level?
Sign up here and we will email you when more information is available on this page.

You can also join us for our Open Event event on Wednesday 27th November to learn more about our vibrant and ambitious Sixth Form!

Almost all our students decide to apply for University or an apprenticeship and consistently gain places in the most prestigious institutions both in the UK and around the world.

Students’ academic studies at Post 16 are complemented by the extra-curricular opportunities and IB learner profile that is intrinsically linked to their studies.  As part of their Diploma students must complete a number of hours under CAS (Community Action and Service).  This enables them to access the wide variety of opportunities on offer to sixth formers at the Rochester Grammar School such as Trips and Visits, Student Leadership, Team projects (Duke of Edinburgh, NCS etc.) and getting involved in extra-curricular activities run by the school.

For more detailed information about our provision within the Sixth Form, please refer to our Sixth Form Area of this website

A Curriculum For All

The Rochester Grammar School’s duties with regards to equality are in eliminating discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010. This is achieved through the fostering of good relationships, promoting equality of opportunity between people and offering a broad and diverse curriculum that is accessible by all pupils.

The Rochester Grammar School aims to promote students’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, with special emphasis on promoting equality, diversity and eradicating prejudicial incidents for pupils and staff. Our school is committed to not only eliminating discrimination, but also increasing understanding and appreciation for diversity.

We aim to continuously review and improve the implementation of equality related policies and procedures along with our whole school curriculum. This ensures that it continues to result in outstanding outcomes for all pupils, with no discrimination faced on the basis of race, gender, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation or age.

At Rochester Grammar School, all teachers are teachers of SEND and are accountable for the progress and development of all students. Quality First Teaching is our first step to support students with SEND. Teachers work with the SENCo to implement the graduated approach (assess, plan, do, review) to ensure that student needs are met and the curriculum is accessible. The adaptations that we make include, but are not limited to:

  • Differentiating the curriculum to ensure it is accessible to all students
  • Adapting class resources
  • Using recommended support aids (such as coloured overlays and laptops where necessary)
  • Implementing the access arrangements in line with JCQ regulations
  • Adapting our teaching in order to support the recommendations on the Individual Profile for each SEND students

If stakeholders would like further information of any aspect of our curriculum please contact the school office at