RGS ranks as best school in Medway based on attainment

March 10, 2025 03:18pm

Rochester Grammar School Ranked Top in Medway in 2025 Secondary School League Table

The Real Schools Guide has unveiled its 2025 league table, ranking the top 200 secondary schools across the UK. The list highlights Rochester Grammar School as the highest-rated secondary school in Medway.
With an impressive attainment percentage of 71.6%, Rochester Grammar secured 6th place overall in Kent, earning well-deserved recognition for its academic excellence.

This accolade highlights the school’s continued commitment to providing high-quality education, supporting pupils' success, and the hard work and dedication by both staff and pupils.

The Real Schools Guide’s rankings take into account a range of factors, including GCSE and A-Level results, and provide an invaluable resource for parents and students when choosing the right school.
Rochester Grammar School's position on the Medway list serves as a testament to the school's strong academic foundation and its place among the county's leading schools.

Read the full article about the top schools in Kent here.